Monday, 7 June 2010

Is it wrong...

That upon reading the following hilarious typo in a university email sent to me about an outstanding materials fee* from 2008:

"As your Exam Board is taking place shorty, this debt needs to be cleared immediately."

I couldn't resist replying,

"Hey, who you calling shorty?"

Oh how I make myself chuckle. I did however, style it out with this witty aside:

"(Sorry, it's the proof reading journo in me, couldn't resist!)"

So all in all I think the sender should not deny me my graduation, based on my bad humour. Right?

* The "materials fee" being an additional £50 a year no less, for the privilege of a few photocopied sheets of paper. Obviously you'd think that the £3,050 a year tuition fees would just about cover the cost, but apparently not. Ah, you've got to love those UAL pranksters. Repeat to self: "I am not a bitter person. I am not a bitter person..."

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