Saturday, 30 January 2010

Little Intro

Hello. I'm Lucy and this is my blog, "The Journal of Lucy D". As the title would suggest - and as common with most blogs - I shall be using it as a journal to write about the things that interest me (and also probably the things that don't).

Incidentally, being the procrastinator that I am, I have timed starting a blog perfectly with my impending dissertation deadline -a fluke, I'm sure (I'll soon be graduating from a BA Hons Journalism course). Anything to get out of dissertation hell. But I will at least, be exercising my writing skills. So there.

I can't think of a suitable picture (or should that read interesting) to illustrate the above, so here is a picture of Debbie Harry instead, my all time favourite pop star, pictured with Iggy Pop - a lethal combo!